IISE is a global association that brings professionals and students in Industrial Engineering related fields together to network and share knowledge. A Student Membership gives you access to professional development resources, a monthly IISE magazine subscription(ISE), attendance to the IISE Conference, and looks great on your resume. To become a Student Member visit, select Join IISE, and then select Student Membership. Annual cost is $44.
Why Become a Distinguished Member?
Becoming a Distinguished Member is a way of rewarding involved members of our chapter. Not only would you be invited to our end-of-semester distinguished member banquet (did we mention free?) for a delicious restaurant-cooked meal, you would receive the full benefits of our club. There is also a directory of professional contacts to access recruiters, points of contact, and most importantly chapter alumni always looking to help out current students land their dream internship or job. Most distinguished members go on to take more active roles in the club by serving on the executive board, a great chance at leadership experience, and a resume builder. The "DM" criteria changes each semester, but generally involves being involved in most branches of our club (meetings, outreach, fundraising, IISE National Member, professional development, etc). We hope you strive to be a DM this semester!
2023-2024 Distinguished Member Program Details
What are the benefits of being a Distinguished Member?
Invitation to the end of semester Distinguished Member Banquet
Recognition on the UW-Madison IISE website
Discounts to select IISE events
Excellent way to boost your resume
Great qualification if you aspire to be on the IISE Board
Full access to the IISE past exam database
What are the requirements to be a Distinguished Member?
(This is a good baseline but requirements are always subject to change based on overall club attendance.)
Annual Requirements:
Two (2) volunteer shifts at the IISE Hockey Stands
Paid Student Member of IISE National Chapter
Attendance to the IISE Alumni Event held annually in the Spring
Semester Requirements:
Attendance of one (1) Outreach Event
Accumulation of at least eight (8) Distinguished Member points
How Do I Earn Distinguished Member Points?
One (1) point for attendance of...
General Member Meeting
Professional Development Event
Joining an IISE Study Group
Each additional Outreach Event
Two (2) points for attendance of...
IISE North Central Regional Conference
Available points may be available at the discretion of the IISE Board.
Do I Need to Apply to be a Distinguished Member?
Nope! Our Vice President will keep track of the points you accumulate over the semester and notify you if you qualify as a Distinguished Member. You will also be notified with an invitation to the Distinguished Member Banquet.