*Schedules Subject to Change*
Friday, February 7, 2024
Memorial Union
9:00 am
Start checking in at 9am outside of Tripp Commons on the second floor of Memorial Union.
10:00 am
Welcome & Kickoff
We'll officially start the conference at 10am in Tripp Commons in Memorial Union.
10:15 am
Networking Activity
Let's get to know each other. 12+ different colleges, all with Industrial & Systems Engineering backgrounds. Ready? Go!
10:45 am
Dave Klante:
From Engineer to Executive
Dave’s discussion will highlight his career journey and experiences. Starting as an entry level engineer in the corporate work world, to a succession of managerial and staff level positions, through to executive leadership positions in manufacturing, supply chain and engineering. Dave’s experience includes work with National Can Corporation (now Rexam), Baxter, Packaging Corporation of America (PCA), Miller Brewing Company (now MolsonCoors), McCain Foods, and DKE Consulting.
Dave will share his learnings and thoughts on a career spanning 40 years on how a degree in Industrial Engineering helped influence how he approached his work and career, and his perspective on the future of Industrial Engineering.
11:30 am
Maybe with a little extra Wisconsin twist?
12:30 pm
Site Visits
You'll have the opportunity to get a tour of a company in the Greater Madison Area.
3:15 pm
The Bold Look of Kohler
A Wisconsin-born, world-class company,. We're proud to partner with Kohler for the 2025 IISE Conference!
4:00 pm
Design Challenge
How do you figure out how to dispatch ambulances? What do you do if there are no ambulances?
Saturday, February 8, 2024
Union South
9:00 am
Additionally, there will be optional tours of the Engineering Campus from Engineering Tour Guides
11:00 am
Corporate Breakouts
Each attendee will be able to hear from and network with our industry partners.
12:30 pm
The conference hosts might be Badgers, but we promise there will be no acorns or earthworms.
1:15 pm
Michelle Ranavat Keynote
Industrial engineer turned makeup mogul.
2:30 pm
Group Photo
Pics or it didn't happen?
3:00 pm
IISE Cream Social
We might be the only chapter that calls it "Ice-ey" but that's what makes this pun work.
3:45 pm
Case Study Competition
Come up with the best solution! Your solution will be judged by faculty and industry professionals.
5:30 pm
Dinner Banquet
Celebrate the end of two days of learning and networking! There will be awards and final speeches.
7:15 pm
IISE Business Meeting
For all presidents and vice presidents, there will be a post-conference business meeting.